About Monotheism

שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל יהוה אֱלֹהֵינוּ יהוה אֶחָד (Deut 6:4)— Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One.

buddha statue
Photo by Eckhard Pemsl on Pexels.com
brown ceramic chinese figurine
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

It has increasingly become accepted in the scholarship of the Hebrew Bible, that Israelite religion was not monotheistic from its very inception. Rather, it only became so at a later stage following the return of a wave of Israelite exiles from Babylon to their homeland, Yehud (Aramaic for Judah). The circumstances under which this development happened are the work of an inexhaustive study which I have attempted to articulate in my two works of research, the MA and PhD theses; including works that are yet to be published in form of peer reviewed papers and books. Some of the key questions on this topic are: what is the correct definition of monotheism? Under what circumstances did Israelite religion become monotheistic? What was Israelite religion like, before becoming monotheistic? Along with all these is the question of Angels. Who were they? What role if any, did they play in the development of monotheism? In the present webpage, I will be extracting some intriguing excerpts from the afore mentioned works to which all are invited to make contributions through comments and questions.To participate, simply click on the link “Blog” above and type your contribution in the space provided at the bottom. You are also welcome to browse through my ongoing contributions by visiting the link “Publications” as well as the contributions from different scholars found at the “Downloads” link.


The present webpage contains some helpful resources from different scholars including their contributions on the broad topic of monotheism in early Israelite religion. In some cases such resources will be in form of E-books while others will be journal articles. Simply click on any link in order to view its contents. 

The Bodies of God & the World of Ancient Israel 

One God-One Cult-One Nation  

Construction of Biblical Monotheism  


Monotheism—Angels in Early History

Second Temple Angelology

Monotheism, monolatry, henotheism

Yahwism, Judaism & Christianity

Assyrian Ideology & Israelite Monotheism

The rise of Monotheism in Ancient Israel

Homosexuality in the Hebrew Bible

Yahweh—The Incomparable Deity